Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP Face 300 x300Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is a revolution in modern aesthetic medicine. It is a technique that utilises the patient’s own growth factors in their blood to regenerate aged and damaged skin. The growth factors contained in platelets are able to stimulate different mechanisms to produce collagen and improve the quality of the existing collagen. Areas include:

* Acne scars
* Under eye dark circles
* Rosacea /sensitive skin
* Ageing skin

As well as the face PRP is suitable for hair rejuvenation.




What does the treatment involve?

Prior to treatment a topical local anesthetic will be applied to the skin of the injection site for 20-30 minutes. During this time a small amount of blood is taken from your arm and placed in to a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins the blood in order to separate the red blood cells from the platelet rich plasma, the plasma is then injected into the skin to stimulate growth factors and fibroblast cells. The fibroblast cells create collagen, which gives the skin a youthful appearance.

Is the injection painful?

Prior to treatment a local anaesthetic cream is applied to minimise any effects and make the treatments more comfortable.

How long does treatment take?

The whole procedure usually takes about 1½ hours

How soon shall I see the results?

It may take a few weeks for the results of the PRP therapy to become visible, but with two to three top-up treatments, you can expect the results of PRP therapy to last for up to one and a half years.

Are there any side effects?

Due to using the body’s own Plasma, there are few side effects associated with PRP. After treatment some common injection-related reactions might occur. These reactions may include redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising and tenderness at the treatment site. They have generally been described as mild to moderate and typically resolve spontaneously a few days after treatment.


Per treatment From £390.00